Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Mysterous Package

Well, now that I've gotten over the initial shock about someone having known Poe back when she was a runner, I've had chance to mull it over.  And I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't fucking matter.  So he knew her back before she was Poe.  Big deal.  What's he going to do, come hunt us down?  None of you have been able to find me yet (I guess if you really wanted to, you maybe could have tracked Nee-chan back that one night she crashed the wedding, but apparently you all thought that dancing would be more important (not that I'm complaining)).  Why would Donovan be the first?

Basically, life goes on as normal.

Speaking of normal, Nee-chan's gotten in the habit of coming over on Saturdays.  She came over today as well, and she and Poe watched more of that anime stuff.  I've gotten to the point where I'm able to tune them out some.  The moonspeak eventually just becomes entertaining background noise.  Although when Nee-chan left, Poe did say that it would be nice if I at least gave it a try once.  She says that she has something she thinks I'd be interested in, and that she'll even convince Nee-chan to let me watch it in English.

But anyway, that's not what I'm posting about.  I'm posting because I went to pick up some soda.  Just a quick, simple trip down to the nearest gas station.  When I came back, though there was a small cardboard box for me at the door.  It wasn't taped shut, just folded up, with the word "Messenger" scrawled across the side.

I picked it up, took it in, and asked Poe and Nee-chan if they knew anything about it.  Neither of them had put it there, and no one had knocked on the door.  Someone had just dropped it off.

I opened it up.  Inside were five video tapes (labeled #1-#5).  And nothing else.  No note, no indication on the box as to who the tapes had come from, nothing.  Five tapes in a box labelled "Messenger."  Obviously a "gift" of some sort.  What type of gift it was, I don't know.  Maybe someone died or something.  But either way, the mystery's gonna have to wait until I find the equipment I need to actually play what my mysterious donor left me.  Because whoever it was didn't bother to leave anything I'd need to actually watch these.

Seriously, who the hell even owns a VCR anymore?

-Don't Shoot The Messenger-


  1. People who have a copy of the original Evil Dead on VHS?

  2. I still own a VCR, but it broke about a month ago. I'm terribly sad about it, because now I can't watch all my childhood favorites. =/

  3. DVD/VCR combo. Works wonders, y'know?

  4. I'm working on it, people. I know what I need, you don't have to tell me what to use or answer rhetorical questions.

    -Don't Shoot The Messenger-

  5. Messi, be nice, please. They just want to help.

  6. I know your pain, Hakurei; all of that classic Disney, gone! :(
